Submit a presentation for the 2nd Forum for the Ocean from the Mexican Caribbean
Delphinus invites national and international students, professors and researchers, as well as the general public, to the 2nd Forum for the Ocean from the Mexican Caribbean, within the framework of the activities of the 12th Festival of the Oceans of the Mexican Caribbean. Which will take place at the facilities of the Tec Milenio University on September 25 and 26, 2024. The Forum will be made up of five keynote conferences, five cycles of presentations, five round tables and a poster contest.
Submission of presentations
1. Participants:
1.1. This call is open to students and professionals from university institutions, research centers and non-governmental organizations.
1.2. Abstracts may be received with a maximum of 5 co-authors. In the case of students, abstracts must include the university professor or researcher who advises the project.
1.3. The work must be an original work and respect the level of contribution of the co-authors.
1.4. Participants will only be able to participate with one abstract as the main author.
2. Theme:
2.1. The theme of the event is the “Ocean”, for which works related to this topic will be received, following the thematic lines of the Forum: ·
Biodiversity loss, ·
Marine Pollution by Plastics, ·
Sustainable Fishing, ·
Climate Change and ·
Environmental Policy for Ocean Care
3. Reception of summaries
3.1. The reception of abstracts for the cycle of presentations will take place from the publication of this call and until 11:59 p.m. (GMT-5) on August 25, 2024.
3.2. The summaries, as well as the requested information, will be received only through the following form: https://forms.gle/xyFb5nCKqJSQWAjy6 selecting the option YES, when you reach the following question “Do you want to submit a presentation or a poster?” and choosing PRESENTATION when you get to the question “Choose the modality in which you want to participate”
3.3. The maximum length of the body of the abstract will be 600 words, strictly following the format established in this call. The summary must be written in Spanish or English and captured in a Word file (.docx, .doc or .ods). Summaries must include the following information:
· Introduction/Background/Justification
· Objective(s)/Hypothesis
· Methods
· Results
· Important graphs and figures
· Implications/Conclusion
3.4. Important figures and graphs must be delivered within the content of the Word document, properly arranged and separately in JPG or TIFF format files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
3.5. The name of the summary file must be in the following format:
· Summary: Last name/Surname_First Name.docx (for example Sanchez_Morales_Sandra.docx)
· Images, graphs and figures: Last Name/Surname_First Name_Figure Number.jpg (for example: Sanchez_Morales_Sandra_2.jpg)
3.6. In the event that the first author is not the person who is going to present the work, register the presenter's information in the form, as well as notify it in the corresponding section.
3.7. Once the form is completed and submitted, all requested data and files will be reviewed.
3.8. Once the data is verified, you will receive a confirmation email with your participant number that will be used as an entry pass to the Forum.
3.9. Incomplete questionnaires and/or damaged files will not be taken into account.
4. Review of summaries
4.1. The works will be evaluated by a Committee made up of Delphinus staff. Its ruling will be final.
4.2. The criteria to evaluate the presentations will be:
· Content.
· Level of contribution to its field.
· Originality.
· Correspondance to thematic lines
4.3. Sending the documents and filling out the form does not in any way oblige the Forum organizers to accept the applicants to be part of the presentation cycles to be carried out during the Forum.
4.4. Once the summary is sent, the Committee will have until September 15, 2024 to provide a response for participation.
4.5. If the work is not accepted for the cycle of presentations, it may be given the opportunity to participate in the poster contest, according to the ruling of the Committee.
4.6. In the event that participants were not selected for the cycle of presentations or have been selected for the poster contest and do not wish to participate in it, they may retain their place as attendees of the event, for which they may retain their same participant number as long as they notify their decision in response to the email sent by the organizers.
5. Presentations
5.1. The presentations will be given in person and individually, with the support of a Power Point presentation.
5.2. The presentation will be oral and will have a maximum duration of 12 minutes, in which the speaker will have to develop his presentation + 3 minutes will be given to answer questions from the public.
5.3. Power Point presentations must have the following elements:
· Title of the research.
· Logo of the academic institution to which they belong and/or logo of the institution where they carried out the research (if it applies)
· Name of the authors, in order of contribution.
· Introduction
· Background
· Research Problem (if it applies)
· Objectives
· Methodology
· Results and discussion
· Conclusions.
· Thanks
For more information: rrpp@festivaldelosoceanos.org.mx